20 Ways to Go All Out This Christmas

Many of the big gatherings are still cancelled this year, families are looking for ways to go big in their holiday celebrating at home. And what better way than by going all out with your decorating and family Christmas experiences?

20 Ways to Go All Out This Christmas

Ready for some serious holiday spirit?

Many families are ready to decorate for Christmas.

So much has been shuttered or lost or delayed due to COVID, and people are ready to do something fun again.

They are ready for the sounds and sights of the holiday season.

It’s time for some cheerful music and twinkling lights.

For Christmas movies and holiday baking.

For trees and stockings and Santa and all the other fun trappings that come with the joy of the holiday season.

Since many of the big gatherings are still cancelled this year, families are looking for ways to go big in their holiday celebrating at home.

And what better way than by going all out with your decorating and family Christmas experiences?

Make Christmas cookies

Make Christmas cookies

Just think of the memories you’ll make with the kids while you stir up your grandmother’s favorite cookie recipe. Or enjoy a bit of time to yourself in the kitchen making fun treats for everyone to enjoy when the kids come home. Everyone loves making cookies with cookie cutters – it’s a Christmas tradition!

Discover your Christmas icing talents

Christmas icing

Once your cookies are made, you can certainly drop on a few sprinkles. But what if you could do more? Get creative with some fun icing kits to decorate your sugar cookies in a way that your neighbors and friends will admire – when you show them from afar, of course.

Watch Christmas movies

Christmas movies

Baby, it’s cold out! Snuggle up on the couch with your sweetie or your little ones and watch holiday movies together. Make it a weekly tradition every week of December or have some holiday favorite marathons. Either way, you’re going to enjoy the fun of the holiday season!

Stream Christmas specials

Christmas specials

Don’t have a DVD player and not interested in finding one? You don’t actually need one if your television is a SMART TV that allows for streaming from all of the major channels. If you’ve been getting buy, perhaps it’s time to gift yourself a new TV for all of your holiday needs!

Celebrating with a nativity set

nativity set

Many churches are closed or having alternative services during the Pandemic. You can still enjoy celebrating the traditional Christmas story with your family by reenacting the story with your nativity set. Use the set as decorations or as a story-telling device. Either way, it is a great holiday addition.

Wear matching Christmas pajamas

Christmas pajamas

What could be more fun on your Christmas card than your whole family in matching pajamas? Celebrate the season with fun or funny matching Christmas pajamas. Make it a pajama party every Friday night when you sit down to celebrate with cookies and movies!

Listen to Christmas carols everywhere

Christmas carols

Nothing shouts about the holiday spirit more than Christmas carols. Now you can listen to them anywhere thanks to the newest wireless speakers and home connections. Put one in the living room or spread the love around the house and you can turn on your favorite carols every where you go!

Wrap up in holiday blankets

holiday blankets

Throw another log on the fire and wrap yourself up in a soft holiday blanket. What better way to snuggle down with a good book or a good Christmas special than wrapped up in a festive holiday blanket. Get a few different fleecy throws and everyone can wrap up in their own as they settle down for a fun holiday binge watch.

Install easy fireplace logs

fireplace logs

If you’re going to be sitting in front of the fire this Christmas, there is no need to pull out logs for every night of firelight. Install your own set of fireplace logs designed for gas or vent-free fireplaces. It’s cozy, it’s clean, and it’s easy to turn and off at the end of the night.

Take a stroll through a winter wonderland

winter wonderland

You don’t have to stay inside all of the time just because it’s cold outside! Take a stroll through the winter wonderland with special ice grips on your shoes. Then you’ll never need to worry about sliding on ice, losing traction in the snow or falling down on an icy slick. You can just stretch your legs and enjoy your walk.

Go sledding with the kids

Go sledding

Continue your outdoor fun by taking the kids sledding. Invest in some new sleds and challenge the kids to race after race down – and back up – the local sledding hill. You can even throw the sleds in the car and go in search of new hills to climb and explore for fun local day trips.

Get the biggest inflatable yard décor possible

biggest inflatable

If you have a yard, obviously you should make the most of it this year. Grab the biggest inflatable decorations you can find and really do up the lights and fun this year. When it comes to inflatable decorations, the bigger, the better!

Hang all the Christmas lights

Christmas lights

Many of us have just hung a few lights every year as our decoration. Not this year. This year we hang all of the holiday lights and we are going to leave our Christmas lights up just as long as we want to! Bright and fun and bold and cheerful – Christmas lights make for fun evening strolls as well.

Put a Christmas tree in every room

Christmas tree

Why limit yourself to just one tree when you can clearly enjoy many? Put a small tree in every room in your home and let your children decorate it in any way they way! Make it fun with a new theme in every room or shake it up with some bold colors and designs that your children create with painted ornaments.

Pull Christmas crackers

Christmas crackers

What a fun holiday tradition to enjoy this year! If you haven’t pulled out traditional Christmas crackers, you absolutely need some with your family dinner this year! Order crackers for a few different dinners if you’d like, and you can wear your crowns and enjoy your new toys with pride.

Make wassail

Make wassail

What’s better than the smell of tasty wassail cooking away in the crockpot? Make some delicious wassail that is festive and fun for the kids to drink. Then take it up a notch by adding a few adult spirits to some of the more adult-centered wassail choices!

Paint ornaments

Paint ornaments

Whether you have one tree or ten in your home, making ornaments together is a beautiful way to celebrate with your children. Paint ornaments for your tree and then hang them with pride. Have your children make ornaments for grandparents who can’t be with you, and perhaps paint a few as gifts for nursing home residents who might be feeling a bit blue this holiday season.

Hang greenery everywhere

Hang greenery

You have Christmas lights. You have Christmas trees. You also need Christmas garlands and greenery around your home. Lay it on the mantle. Hang it around the door. Place it along the banister for your stairs. There are countless places to put it, so get creative and enjoy every moment of the holidays surrounded by greenery and holiday cheer.

Needlepoint new stockings

Needlepoint stockings

What’s time at home in front of the fire without a holiday craft? Needlepoint stockings are beautiful traditions that last for generations. Find a needlepoint stocking pattern that you love and then get started. It might take a bit of time to finish, but handmade crafts of this quality are worth waiting for.

Decorate a new tree

new tree

Little trees are pretty around the house, but you will obviously need one tree to be your central decoration. If your old tree is looking a bit worse for wear or feels a bit puny, replace it! This is a great year to go big with a new tree and spend time together unpacking decorations, hanging them on the branches and enjoying the collective holiday spirit.

It’s finally the Christmas season. Many of us have been stuck at home and are antsy to do something – anything – fun this year. Make this the perfect Christmas season by doing it up in a big way. Celebrate Christmas all month long in as many ways as you can image.