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07 Jun, 2017

Introducing a new MyUKmailbox – Personal Wallet, New Dashboard and More…

In response to the feedback from our valued customers, we have made some exciting changes to our website in order to make your experience as friendly as it can be.

07 Mar, 2017

How To Ship UK Products To India

Third-party shippers allow international buyers to use their warehouse address as a UK shipping destination. Once the products ordered by international customers arrive there, the third-party shipper repacks the items and forwards them to the buyer’s home address abroad

18 Feb, 2017

6 reasons to choose the MyUKmailbox Repack Service

If you’re facing trouble and expensive issues with shipping, repackaging may help alleviate some of the cost and the stress. Why repackage your goods? There are so many benefits, a better question might be – why not?